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What Is A Target Letter

Target Letters: What They Are and What They Mean

What is a Target Letter?

A target letter is a letter that is supplied to a witness scheduled to appear before the federal Grand Jury in order to provide helpful background.

Sample Target Letter

Section 160 of the Criminal Resource Manual contains a sample target letter which would be used to notify a grand jury witness that:

  • They are a target of the investigation
  • They have the right to an attorney
  • They do not have to answer any questions

These letters generally follow a similar format whether it is an FBI target letter or one from another agency.

When is a Target Letter Sent?

According to the law of the United States, a person receives a target letter when a US Attorney has substantial evidence linking him or her to a crime.

Examples of Target Letters

Here is a sample target letter from the US Attorney's Office:

An example of a target letter from a state prosecutor can be found here:
