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Borrowed Light Meaning

Borrowed Light: A Guide to Reflecting and Sharing Light

What is Borrowed Light?

Borrowed light refers to light that enters a space indirectly, through reflections off of adjacent rooms with abundant natural light.

Creating Borrowed Light

Window Placement

To create borrowed light, consider the placement of windows in adjacent rooms. A window in a room with direct sunlight can share light with a darker room without windows.

Openings and Doors

Openings, such as doorways or archways, allow light to flow from one space to another. Keep these openings unobstructed to maximize borrowed light.

Light Reflecting Surfaces

Paint or cover walls with light-reflecting colors or materials. White or light-colored walls, mirrors, and glass can enhance the dispersion of borrowed light.

Benefits of Borrowed Light

Borrowed light offers several benefits:

  • Improved Lighting: Creates a more inviting and well-lit atmosphere in spaces without direct sunlight.
  • Energy Efficiency: Reduces the need for artificial lighting, saving energy.
  • Visual Interest: Adds depth and interest to interior spaces by creating layers of light.


Incorporating borrowed light into your home design can dramatically transform the ambiance and functionality of your spaces. By understanding the concept and implementing the techniques discussed, you can create interiors that bask in the warmth and beauty of natural light, even in spaces that lack direct access to it.


